We believe IRL > Screen Time.
We believe in the radically simple idea of spending time together, in the real world.
We believe in being Outgoing. We believe that getting people off their sofas and out into the real world – expanding their horizons, interacting with others, building meaningful experiences – is one of the most powerful ways we can improve our society.
And on a more mundane level, wouldn't it be nice if you could find something to do on a Friday night without falling down an internet rabbit hole or giving up and watching Netflix? If it felt like less of a chore to go out, to hang out? If the answer to "What should we do tonight?" were actually simple?
We love what the internet enables, but life onscreen collapses the variety and richness of the world into too few dimensions. It bleaches life of its color.
Our towns and cities are full of places: institutions and businesses that want to bring us together. If we let them, then our local communities and economies will thrive, even as they enrich our lives.
So that’s why we’re building Outgoing. To deploy modern technology in service of getting us off the screen and out into the world. To use advanced computer science and AI to help us explore and engage in the real world, together. And to enrich our local businesses and communities as we go.
We’re building Outgoing to bring people together, for real.